The more I talk, the more I can think about what I'm saying. It's as simple as that! I notice I have better recall, along with more precise pronunciation.
For six years, I have struggled when trying to speak. Stammering and stuttering, word loss, losing thoughts. But people are so kind, they act like they don't notice. On occasion, they will finish the sentence for me. Yes, I had speech therapy when I was at St. David's and followed through with four boot camps at Austin Speech Labs.
But it wasn't till I started at ACC and Certificate in Effective Fundraising that I am able to appreciate the enormous gap between what I am able to do and what others in my class can do, speaking- wise, that is. I feel like a Rip Van Winkle who just woke up after napping for six years. (And I can't believe that I have been out of it that long.)
If there's anything I've learned, yet, from Certificate in Effective Fundraising, is that clear speaking is paramount to fundraising. So, like I said in my previous post, I went out and purchased Source for Apraxia. I began the exercises on February 6, and I've been going steady for nearly 20 days.
Wish me luck.