Getting out of town every spring break is a yearly requirement. We allow AirB&B to throw us out of our house during SXSW for a fee, and we take that money and spend it on a vacation. This year Chris and I visited my dad in El Paso by way of Alpine and Marfa. I must say, the climate was dry and windy, about par for this time of year.
Now I know what you're thinking, "West Texas is no way to take a vacation!" El Paso is just a place to stop on the way to San Diego or New Mexico or out west somewhere. Having heard all the jokes and incredulous statements about driving to El Paso because I have been making the trip, by myself or with a gang of several, for over 42 years. The haul just gets easier and easier, especially when it is broken up like it was this last time. And yes, it does feel like a vacation, complete with mishap and joy.

Our first stop was Junction on I-10. We stayed at the Roadway Inn on Main Street; shopped at Lowe's Market for soup, pasta and ice cream. I was pleasantly surprised to discover a riding shopping cart. Most small towns I have visited don't have that accessibility device. The Roadway Inn provided a shower chair and a handicapped room, complete with the fancy grab bars and extra towels to sop up the water that did not make it to the shower drain.
For one reason or another, Marfa, was packed with tourists. Restaurants were either closed for special events or had a two hour wait. The pizza parlor had a four and a half hour wait. We had to eat at the not so quaint Dairy Queen where there was no crowd.
There must have been an art festival going on, though we never found out the cause for so many tourists. Luckily, we found a place called the Planet Marfa Beer Garden where we quaffed a beer and, after the DQ, headed for the Day's Inn in Van Horn.
Lost Cell Phone
You know I've gotten to the point where I'm always thinking I have forgotten something. Even though I haven't. You know that feeling you get when you think you've misplaced something and don't know where you last left it. It can cause a lot of anxiety because you have looked everywhere that you think it could be only to find out it is lost for a good, or you're hoping somehow it will show up where you least expect.
Well, when we finally got to El Paso on Sunday, Chris discovered that her phone was no place to be found. She called it and called it on my phone, and it rang until answered by her voicemail. To make a long story short, it was not until one and a half days later when she checked her email on Jimmy's computer that she found a notice from the manager at McDonald's in Van Horn, a guy name Victor Rodriguez, saying he found the phone.
This Trip, Frequenting McDonald's is the Norm
Of course, we do not make a habit of going to McDonald's, but since we missed having breakfast at the motel in Van Horn, an Egg McMuffin and coffee seemed like a decent alternative. Cheap, quick and easy. Chris had sent her phone down when we had to move tables because my chair would not turn and she left her device on a ledge. And there it stayed until, luckily, Victor Rodriguez found it. Leave it to my tocayo.
Up until the time Chris had located the damn phone, I could tell she was really preoccupied, not able to fully enjoy herself.
We had gone to McDonald's again on Monday morning because my dad loves their pancakes. Then later in the day, in an effort to locate Chris's device, we went back to Mickey D's to use their Wi-Fi. And then for a fourth time, we had breakfast when we picked up the phone. Everything we did seemed to revolve around a missing phone.
Even in their absence, cell phones can be a distraction.
In fact, we were so distracted that I didn't call my good friend and neighborhood pendejo, Roger, to even let him know we were in town. I had hoped to go to Las Cruses with him to see his new digs. Next time.