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“Thieves Oil,” she replied, without hesitation.
The history of Thieves Oil, if you haven't heard the tale already, bears repeating.
Legend has it that during the Bubonic Plague, perfume and spice merchants who resorted to robbing the sick and dying. The men had not been able to ply their trade due to a quarantine and seaport closure.
These perfume merchants utilized their skills and knowledge to create a special blend of essential oils. Their intent was to concoct an oil mixture that helped them avoid infection from the Plague, as the thieves shook-down the sick and dying for jewelry, cash and such. We assume, they had put their collective experience together and came up with the immunity solution: A blend of five essential oils that would protect them from contracting the disease. |

Thieves Oil Blend Recipe
-- 40 drops of clove essential oil
– 35 drops of lemon essential oil
– 20 drops of cinnamon essential oil
– 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
– 10 drops of rosemary essential oil
Blend oils together and store in a dark glass bottle in a cool dark place.
They applied this potion to their hands, ears, temples, feet and a mask covering their mouths. In this way, they avoided infection. True to his word, the judge spared the robbers the fiery stake and hanged them instead.
When doctors got wind of this, they imitated the thieves' practice of placing the blended oils on the same key body points. They wore beak like masks stuffed and cloth-infused with the blend and other herbs. Looking duck-like, the nickname "quack" comes quickly gained popularity..
As a result of Covid 19, people have developed home remedies and other regimens that may offer some protection from illness, at least psychologically. Along with CDC's recommendations, do you, dear reader, have others you'd like to share?
Terry adds a dozen or so drops of Thieves Oil to diffusers in her home. The blend is also known as Defender's. Local health stores carry diffusers.
To protect herself against potential viruses on doorknobs, car door handles, countertops and any other place she deems suspect, she carries a spray bottle of the blend in her purse.
Thieves Oil Spray
2 oz amber glass jar
15 drops Thieves Blend Essential Oil
1 teaspoon witch hazel
2 oz or less distilled water
add to bottle and shake
If nothing else, she says, it helps alleviate the paranoia that the virus created. And after all, isn't that what everybody wants relief from, in this age of novel Coronavirus?
(I find that infusing a drop or two of Thieves Oil Blend onto my mask gives me a sense of aromatic protection. It smells a little like Vick's, though not as mediciny, and clears my nasal passage so I breath easier.)