After my stroke, I was asking myself, "Where do I go from here?" I didn't have a clue. It's a good thing I had such qualified and concerned therapists and doctors encouraging me to keep up with therapy and stay as active as possible.

For this reason, I started a personal fundraiser for Amplify Austin, March 2 & 3, to help the Easter Seals LIFE Center reach its overall goal of $30,000. I have committed to raise $1000, and I cannot do it without the help of friends, relatives, and others like you.
Proceeds from the fundraiser will be used to fund the free Fit Ability Gym, Spinal Cord and Neuro Recovery Program, and the Outpatient Rehab Facility. All of these programs are crucial to the well-being of disabled children and adults that Easter Seals LIFE Center serve.
Will you please schedule a donation of at least $20 or more? This year the St. David's Foundation is including Easter Seals Central Texas in their match. This means they will match donation dollars up to $1,000,000 across roughly 60 organizations Texas.
Donate here!