The three of us and decided on salads, plus Chris and I chose cups of soup and a bottle of Malbec, while Patricia had selected a rosé. The food was very tasty, indeed, especially my Texas style chili. I was well on my way to meeting my 2 glass quota of vino by the time the music started. I would have to agree with the bandleader when he said, "The 2nd set is always better than the 1st." That makes sense because the members had a chance to warm up, have a drink and get a little loose, if you know what I mean.
The first song Chris and I danced to was José Martí's Guantaramera, which I knew the words to and sang along. Yo soy un hombre sincero/ de donde crecen las palmas. So I gave it a good go for as long as it lasted.
The turn or spin, by the way (the one that almost knocked my hat off), is for the student therapists. Y'all gave me confidence I could do it!