From the beginning, Bio-feedback Bob at St. David's told me that my weakest muscles were in the right hip flexor. I really didn't know where to go from there except that I knew my hip flexor was weak. The therapists told me I had to tighten up my leg muscles when I walked, but I never knew what that meant until now. Now I force myself to push out with my right hip, so much so that I feel a little soreness in the area of my hip flexor. I used to allow my leg to flail to the side, now I make it a point when I am sitting to keep my knees in front of me, and that requires me to pull my hip in and not give any slack. Keep it tight!
Today I went to therapy at the POINTS labs at St. Augustine's. Nathan, a student-therapist who looks like Tim Tivo, activated my hip by pushing it out as we were walking in the gardens on this temperate morning. He showed me how it should work. It was really helpful and made me feel like I can still figure this stroke thing out. You know, they say one has to learn how to walk after a stroke, and sometimes talk and use your hand all over again, as if you were a child just learning how to do all those things.
The walk outside during the morning is just beautiful. Wildflowers abound. The grounds are kept at bay, and considering the amount of growth there is, that's saying a lot. It's a low- maintenance landscape in front of both the PT and OT two-story schools. Bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush, along with wild grasses, are among the perennials on display. I have to remember to take pictures to show them next blog.
Garden News I harvested more mint, lemon balm and peppermint yesterday with Dillon's help. Chris and I also stripped the leaves from the stalks of lemon balm and spearmint that we had been drying since the last time. We made some great tea from the spearmint last night. It was hearty and more than just minty. We brewed it using a pot we got in Taos and steeped it for 10 minutes or so. I think that has something to do with the rich flavor.
On the other front, my right arm and hand continue helping out. See the exploits of my latest endeavor in my latest ho-hum video. Until next time…