This will give me ideas for activities that can be adapted. Make it if you can.
I'm really excited about going to this event. It's a perfect fit for this website and all I'm trying to do, which is help stroke survivors be aware of what they still can do for fun and recreation. If you haven't heard about it yet, go to my Upcoming Events page and click on Expo at the bottom of the page and link to more information.
This will give me ideas for activities that can be adapted. Make it if you can.
1 Comment
HandySports? It's because most stroke survivors are hemiplegiac, affecting either the left or the right side of their body. In my case, and with most other stroke survivors, one of the hands is spastic. Meaning it can't move naturally, calmly, or fluidly in unison with other parts of the body. Advertising on this site are Adsense links. Each time you click on one, I earn a small commission for sending a customer their way. This costs you nothing extra, but lets me keep doing what I do. Thank you!
April 2023