During this time, I became conscious of my body and mind. Scanning myself for discomfort, blockages in my chakra connections, or opportunities to overcome my personal issues. And this is what I found.
As I lay flat on my back, my breathing deepened. I made a conscious effort to release all tension from my muscles, tendons, and joints. By breathing I am able to get my calf muscles to totally relax which causes my feet to drop like anchors. From there I work my way up to the hamstrings, quads, lower back, back, shoulders, arms, neck and jaw. Did you ever realize how much stuff we store clenched in the jaw?
(We hold a lot in our clenched jaws such as anger, frustration, anticipation, sadness and even happiness. I would bet that every emotion manifests itself by shutting the jaw.)
I stay like this for a while. I try to will my spastic right arm into relaxation. With my left hand and arm reaching across my belly, I to push my right arm down and away from my body, or it will stay there forever. (I swear, spasticity is like a hyperactive dog that never leaves you alone. It wants attention all the time and is very annoying.)
I scan my body for discomfort or pain. When I find an area that needs my help, I breathe deeply into it, trying to get it to chill-out. I spend about three to five minutes on a troubled spot and then move on.

Eventually, out of nowhere it seems, my Emotions and Intellect appear before me. I’m almost sorry I came knocking. Finally, the fortress does dissolve and leaves me alone with my two fiercest opponents: regret and mortality.

I am always curious what people mean when they say, “open your heart.” I’ve learned what it can mean. In meditation terms it can literally mean see what’s inside. I found it surprisingly easy to do.
But brace yourself, because I swear, I found myself levitating. My arms were spread eagle when I left the softness of my mattress, although, I’m sure it was just in my mind. Has anybody else had this sort of experience?
It’s true what they say, then, “love is in your heart.” What I found in my heart were all my loved ones. Chris, of course was in there, along with my three stepchildren, my siblings, parents, cousins, nephews and nieces, grand kids and friends. There was so much in there that I became overwhelmed and stopped the practice.
Now, I have opportunities to open my heart and my mind on a regular basis to see what else I can find or learn. Thanks to mindfulness, I have added a new dimension to my meditation.